Station Park

Director- Cathy Moritz


Dear Lincoln Residents —

The summer of 2022 marked the 50th year that volunteers from the Lincoln Garden Club have maintained our Town’s lovely Station Park. 


Enjoy photos taken by Cathy of the Station Park Open House held on Saturday, September 17th.

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History of Station Park

In 1972, Station Park was just a rutted dirt parking lot for the stores nearby.   The Lincoln Garden Club had been beautifying the Town since the Club’s inception in 1928, and the members were asked to turn the parking lot into a park for the enjoyment of all.  A garden and path design was done by LGC volunteers who installed trees and benches, and from their own gardens, donated flowers and shrubs for the park’s flower beds.  Included among park projects over five decades, the volunteers worked with the Native Plant Trust of Framingham to design and plant a large bed of native flowers and shrubs in 2015. A water fountain was installed by the Club in 2016.  In 2017 and again in 2019, the trees of Station Park were featured in a town-wide tour of Lincoln’s iconic trees. 


LGC volunteers partner with the Lincoln Dept. of Public Works and the Dept. of Parks and Recreation to maintain the park’s infrastructure and its lawns.  We are grateful to their hard-working and helpful staff.  


But wait, there’s more!  Did you know that shortly after World War I, local philanthropist Helen Storrow arranged to place a Lincoln Girl Scout headquarters on the lot where the park is now?  Mrs. Storrow paid to have a former US Army building moved to the spot.  The building had been on Boston Common and was used by troops before they shipped out to the war in Europe.   At the open house, we will have a leaflet to tell you this and other interesting facts from the history of the park and its location before 1972.


Everyone is welcome.  We hope to see you there!








The Lincoln Garden Club has maintained Station Park for 50 years for the enjoyment of Lincoln residents. The Park is located directly across Lincoln Road from the Lincoln Shopping Mall — at the intersection of Lincoln Road and Ridge Road.


We encourage visitors to relax and meet friends among the trees and flowers. There are areas to sit in the cool shade, and a water fountain for your convenience


The Garden Club volunteers have designed the park plantings so that there is something flowering throughout the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Visit often to see what’s blooming.  A labelled Native Plant bed can provide ideas for native plants in your own gardens.


We are currently refurbishing a hosta bed at the back of the park (see picture) — check our progress!


All are welcome….




Workday dates for 2022-23



















Joanna Owen shares 30 of the photos she took at Station Park this season. They are spectacular! (Summer 2020)

Click the first photo and then you can arrow through the 30 slides with your cursor or click  (show as slideshow) the images seem to be smaller for this action.

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August 9, 2020

Looking for a place to sit under the trees and relax, or meet friends at a social distance? Don’t forget Station Park — it’s right across Lincoln Road from the Mall.


Our garden table and chairs are under a lovely Japanese Maple, and the park provides two benches and a water fountain, along with many beautiful flowerbeds and trees.


The Park is owned by the Town and has been maintained by Lincoln Garden Club volunteers since 1972 for your enjoyment.


Come visit!




Station Park became a mass of beautiful flowers and foliage thanks to the many rainstorms of June and early July, and Matt’s and Anthony’s hard work in the weeks after the rains slacked off. The area of shrubs behind the granite benches at Morningside Park is now looking more neat and trim after years of minimal attention. We hope to see the Cotting School’s wonderful students next year! Meanwhile many thanks to them from the Club’s volunteers at these two Lincoln parks.

~ Catherine Moritz, Station Park


Work Days for Spring 2020 are the following and all are from 8:30am – 10:30am.


April 28, Tuesday

May 14, Thursday

June 11, Thursday

July 1, Wednesday

July 14, Tuesday

July 30, Thursday


From Cathy: 

If you were interested in the history of the Station Park property that I presented at our Feb. 4th meeting, I can highly recommend watching the video (link given below) of Jack MacLean’s 2011 talk at Bemis Hall on the history of the Lincoln Station area, the train depot, and the development of the commercial areas on Lewis and Lincoln Roads (including pickle factories, the Underwood Company canned foods business, and the first Doherty garage with horse-and-buggy taxi’s, along with many other places, some of which are still standing). The talk is about 1.75 hours long but well worth watching, with a witty narration, fascinating old pictures, and excerpts from stories about Lincoln from the Boston Globe and local newspapers dating back to the mid-19th century. I took many of the facts I included today from Jack’s talk.

I hope you enjoy it.



Cathy M. shares this letter from a South Lincoln Resident.

Dear Members of the Lincoln Garden Club —

I have recently moved to South Lincoln and take the Commuter Rail to work every day. I am fortunate to go through Station Park on my way to the train in the morning.


It is so beautiful — and that would be enough in itself — but it is also a Peace Garden. Every morning I stop, pause and breathe in your park. When I have time, I do a “sun salutation” there. But I always stop to breathe and remember what is important.


Thank you so much for that daily gift.

Sincerely and with great appreciation,

Julia Huestis



Station Park Native Plant List

Station Park Native Plant Care and Maintenance




Installation of native plant bed at Station Park, Fall 2015

Station Park Transformed

Station Park Plan_Lauren Weeks_9_30_15

The public was invited to attend a Talk on Native Plants on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 2pm at Lincoln Station Park when New England Wildflower Society (NEWFS) intern Lauren Weeks, who designed the bed, gave a short talk and answer questions about native plants at the Park.  


station park native bed3The Lincoln Garden Club created and installed the flowerbed with over 400 plants native to Massachusetts at Station Park. “This native plant bed is a great example of how we can apply more sustainable landscaping practices at our homes without giving up on beauty. A choice of plants will bring different colors to Station Park at every season,” says the Club’s co-President Belinda Gingrich. “Also, native plants attract pollinators, such as insects, birds and mammals, restoring nature to a more heathy state,” adds co-President Agnes Wiggin.

station park native bed4
The Lincoln Garden Club paid for the project with donations from people who supported the LGC Garden Tour in June. Cathy Moritz coordinated the newly designed and planted park. Installation was made possible through the combined efforts of Club members, NEWFS staff, students and teachers from the Minuteman Technical Institute, and the Town of Lincoln.


Station Park is owned by the Town of Lincoln and maintained by the Lincoln Garden Club. Located at the intersection of Lincoln and Ridge Roads, across from the shopping mall, the Park provides a restful place for people passing by or taking a break from their jobs or errands.


station park native bedThe transfer of the existing plants, the design of the new bed and its installation was done throughout July, August and September. The pdf’s of the Design and List of Native Plants are available by clicking on the words.  Lauren Weeks wrote a Plant by Plant Maintenance Plan that Club members will use in the future, when caring for the bed as it grows. Thank you to Daniela for the photos.